Open Topics

    If you are a BSc / MSc student enrolled in Mathematics at the TU Dresden you are eligible to write your thesis under my supervision. Every once in a while I will post new topics here. Please do not be deterred should this list be empty. Simply shoot me an email, should you be intersted in writing your thesis under my supervision. You may also suggest own topics, however, they should be situated in the area of bio-mathematics, applied analysis or numerical analysis.

Current Topics

  • Pattern Classification in Kondo’s Kernel-based Turing Model

    Description: coming....

    Completion Date: -

    Thesis Type: MSc

  • Structured models and the emergence of Turing patterns

    Description: coming....

    Completion Date: -

    Thesis Type: BSc

  • Modelling Bacteria-Bacteriophages-interactions

    Description: coming....

    Completion Date: -

    Thesis Type: BSc

Past Topics

  • Coarse Graining of Multi-Phase Field Models

    Description: coming....

    Completion Date: 2024

    Thesis Type: MSc

  • Viscoelastic Tissue Growth with Convective Effects

    Description: coming....

    Completion Date: 2024

    Thesis Type: MSc

  • Modelling Systems of Anisotropic Particles with Applications to Tissue Growth

    Description: coming....

    Completion Date: 2023

    Thesis Type: BSc

  • The Overdamped Langevin Equation for Systems of Interacting Particles - A Numerical and Analytical Study

    Description: coming....

    Completion Date: 2023

    Thesis Type: BSc

  • Topological Data Analysis of Complex Patterns

    Description: coming....

    Completion Date: 2020

    Thesis Type: BSc

  • Model Derivation of Anisotropic Particles

    Description: coming....

    Completion Date: 2020

    Thesis Type: MSc